Writing conclusions for your essay

Your professor is going to mark your essay with a marking guide, which sets out what you should and shouldn't add into your conclusion. Marking guides are a little vaguer than students expect because they are only guidelines. This article is written by the professional essay writers from assignment masters uk. It gives advice that will help you exploit the way essays are marked, so that you score higher when writing your conclusion.
The advice in this article will help you write a higher scoring conclusion
Do you even know what a conclusion is?
A conclusion is where you take all that has been discussed and pointed out in your essay, and you make a final point that is supported by what was discussed and pointed out in your essay. Since most essays have a point to make, known as the hypothesis, the conclusion should be linked back to the hypothesis.
A conclusion is a final point that is supported by the essay
Mention your hypothesis in the conclusion
Sadly, you are not writing an essay for academic purposes, you are writing it to get marks and/or grades from a college or university. Ergo, there are rules you have to follow. For example, if you were writing a paper for review by your peers, you may not mention the hypothesis in the conclusion, but if you want a higher grade/mark, you will need to mention it because it is part of almost every marking guide. In other words, you have to state your hypothesis outright in your conclusion if you want the mark.
Link back to your hypothesis and state it outright
Concluding on everything without missing something
As you write your essay, make a single note under every paragraph. Collect them together when you write your conclusion, and create your conclusion from them. Not only do you have ready-made notes for your conclusion, but you also ensure you do not miss anything. An example of this technique is shown in blue font on this article. Unlike in this article, make sure you remove the notes in different colored fonts after your essay is finished. The blue text is just for you and not your professor.
Make a single point under each paragraph in a different colored font
Should you mention the implications of your argument?
If you have just proven something, disproved something, or remained undecided, you should consider the implications of your conclusion. If there are any, then mention them where appropriate. Do not forget that time changes the implications of your conclusion, where at one time your conclusion may have been groundbreaking, where now it is part of our value system
Consider mentioning the implications of your findings, and consider time-related implications
Do not summarize your essay
Many students lose points on their conclusion because they summarize their essay, and yet so few students are taught the difference between summarizing and concluding that it is hardly surprising so many students lose points in this area. You do not have to re-state your ideas, but if you do, make sure you are weaving them into a narrative that makes a conclusive point.
A little summarizing is okay, but your aim is to make a final conclusive point
Using the notes in blue, a conclusion may be easily created. The advice listed in this article will help you score higher when writing your essay conclusion. Simply weave what you have on your essay into a final conclusive point and link back to your hypothesis when you do. Test the advice in this article by firstly writing a conclusion your way, and then using this advice for a rewrite of your conclusion when it is sent back by your professor for amendments.